Michael Alexan­der is con­vinced that if he gets qual­i­ty spar­ring part­ners, any­thing is pos­si­ble come next year at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.

ROGER Daniel had a tough time in stage one of the men’s 25-metre rapid fire pistol qualification at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru, yesterday.

Shoot­er Roger Daniel had the lone chance to win T&T's first medal of the Pan Amer­i­can Games, but that aim went off tar­get when he placed 13th dur­ing the qual­i­fi­ca­tion round in the men's 10m air pis­tol event at the in­door 10-me­ter air pis­tol sta­di­um at the Base Aerea Las Pal­mas in Li­ma, Pe­ru on Sun­day.

COMBAT sports will dominate TT’s schedule today as the Pan American Games continue in Lima, Peru, with Megan Lawrence contesting the last-eight stage in the women’s taekwondo (over 68 kilogrammes), and both Aaron Prince and Michael Alexander, two of TT’s most exciting fighters, in the men’s boxing events.

T&T swim­mers, Dy­lan Carter and Cadell Lyons both failed to qual­i­fy for the semi­fi­nals of their re­spec­tive men's 50m freestyle and 100m but­ter­fly events when at the 18th FI­NA World Cham­pi­onship which con­tin­ued at the Nam­bu In­ter­na­tion­al Aquat­ic Cen­tre, in Gwangju, South Ko­rea on Fri­day.